Sunday, January 06, 2008

Wired One Last Time

Quality choices on American TV are drying up faster than Britney Spears in detox. That's what makes tonight's premier of the fifth and final season of HBO's The Wire all the more welcome. Filming actually wrapped up last summer, so that's why it's now available.

If you've never watched the show before, it may be a little tough to get to know the back stories of the various characters. Still, make the effort and you will be rewarded. That's just how the show is. Any given episode doesn't do much on its own. But taken as a whole, each season individual is a remarkable feat of storytelling. What seems to work best for me is saving the first few episodes, then watching them on subsequent nights. That way, I never have a chance to forget who's who. (My season four writeup)

Alternatively, go to Netflix and add the DVD's to your queue starting with season one. It's better than watching American Gladiators and the rest of the reality crap the broadcast networks are resorting to.

0 thoughtful ramblings: