Friday, January 04, 2008

A Major Win For Ignorance And Stupidity

Congratulations are in order to the Republicans of Iowa. They gathered together and succeeded in handing victory to a man who is totally unelectable in a national election. It also amplifies the fatal disease which that has seized control of the former party of Ronald Reagan: Government by the Bible and for the Bible, under the Bible for which it stands.

Huckabee, a former Baptist minister, can thank the Evangelicals of Iowa for his big win. They turned out in vast numbers to back his candidacy. And a major subset of that group was the home-school movement. Yes, in America parents are allowed to teach their children at home. And you can rest assured that these folks are basing their children's entire education on their interpretation of the Bible. And you wonder where creationists come from? Well, let's just say it's a safe bet these kids aren't learning about silly scientifically proven ideas like evolution.

Is it any wonder why American children rank so low on international tests of math and science?

That said, Huckabee's win is a triumph of good organizational skills. Two months ago he was a virtual unknown; today--and at least until New Hampshire votes next week--he is the Republican front runner.

Oh, wait, sorry. My bad. His win is NOT due to organizational skills.

A couple of weeks ago, Huckabee was asked about his sudden surge in the polls. His explanation?
"There's only one explanation for it, and it's not a human one. It's the same power that helped a little boy with two fish and five loaves feed a crowd of 5,000."
So there you have it. What people think no longer matters. A candidate's stands on taxes, or the Iraq war, or transportation issues, or national defense, or the erosion of the Bill of Rights no longer matter. It's God himself calling the shots. Plus, the big guy is somehow hacking into the computers of the various pollsters and doctoring the numbers.

Such attitudes are frightening because they absolve national leaders of any sense of personal responsibility. Case in point: A few years ago George W. Bush famously said that he had consulted God before deciding to invade Iraq.

Quite frankly, God's track record has been kind of spotty lately.

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