Monday, January 28, 2008

Precautionary Measures

An asteroid called 2007 TU24 will be making a relatively close pass to the Earth tonight. There is no chance of impact, however, and the closest it will get to us is 300,000 miles (the moon is 240,000 miles away). Then tomorrow it's Mars' turn, as a different asteroid will be passing just over 18,000 miles of the red planet.

These close calls should serve as a reminder that our solar system is something of a cosmic shooting gallery, and sooner or later we're gonna get nailed. That's why I've decided to move my porn collection to the safety of my Y2K bunker. People laughed when I built that thing back in 1999, but it may yet come in handy.

So even if the rest of humanity perishes from the face of the Earth, at least I'll still have my dirty pictures to keep me company.

0 thoughtful ramblings: