Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hillary Pulls It Out Of Her Pantsuit

What the heck happened in New Hampshire yesterday? Barrack "The Black Dude" Obama was positioned to win a double digit victory in the Democratic primary and effectively eliminate Hillary "The Woman Dude" Clinton from the race. At least that was the conventional wisdom, and it was backed up with the latest poll numbers. But the former First Lady managed to somehow pull out a narrow victory. That's like the New York Yankees winning the Super Bowl!!

Well, okay, maybe it's not like that at all. But it's still pretty darn amazing.

It also serves to extend the contest for the Democratic nomination for at least a few more weeks. This is also important for the American economy because it means all those pundits and pollsters on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC will have jobs for a little bit longer.

Meanwhile, on the Republican side, John "The Really Old Dude" McCain managed to get one for his win column. Not a major surprise there, since the race was considered a toss up between him and Mitt "The Mormon Dude" Romney. Mike "Vote For Me Or God Will Condemn Your Soul Straight To Burn In The Eternal Flames Of Hell Dude" Huckabee, who won the Iowa caucus thingie last week, never seriously campaigned in New Hampshire and wasn't considered much of a contender in the state.

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