Thursday, January 08, 2004

Be VERY Afraid
Let's face it: Life these days is all about fear. Fear of terrorism, fear of body cavity searches at the airport, fear of having your job taken over by somebody named Gupta in New Delhi, and fear of Howard Dean actually winning next November. Fear is everywhere, and if you're not afraid of something, your probably already dead, which just makes the rest of us all the more afraid.

But with the recent focus on the Flu, Mad Cow Disease, and isolated cases of SARS popping up in China again, fear of disease seems to be the most popular one at the moment. But which disease scares you the most?

Weigh in on the new poll to the left.

Speaking Of Mad Cows....
Despite her apology, Hillary Clinton continues to draw fire for her joke that Mahatma Gandhi used to run a gas station in St. Louis.

In an effort to change the subject, she has decided to feed a live crocodile while simultaneously talking on a cellphone and dangling Chelsea off a balcony.

0 thoughtful ramblings: