Thursday, August 21, 2008

MCain: Ignoring Reality

What planet is John McCain living on?

He has repeatedly slammed Obama's plans for withdrawal from Iraq as being irresponsible. McCain warns that we can't rush things, or we run the risk of setting ourselves up for failure.

Putting aside the minor detail that this entire war was launched on a series of lies, and that every single problem in Iraq today can be traced to our involvement in the first place, the fact remains that any withdrawal timetable is going to be set by the Iraqis. It simply will not be up to the President of the United States. Doesn't matter if it's McCain, or Obama, or Paris Hilton.

The reality is that the U.N. resolution that (more or less) justified our involvement in Iraq expires on December 31st of this year. The only way our forces can legally remain in Iraq after that date is IF a new agreement is reached with the Iraqi government. They have repeatedly made clear that they want us out of their country.

So far no agreement has been finalized, but the Iraqis are pushing for a 16 month timetable. If that is the agreement that is eventually reached, and McCain wants to stay in Iraq longer than that, then he has no business criticizing Vladimer Putin's actions in Georgia.

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