Friday, September 03, 2004

Time to Move On...? Nah.
Smooshie left a comment on the Sept. 1 post saying:

I think it is very wrong for people to do the whole "band-aid joke". However, what do you expect people to talk about when all they have heard from Kerry is his Vietnam record? I'm sick of it all! Who cares if he did or didn't deserve the Purple Heart... He was there. Enough said. Can we move onto something that wasn't 30 years ago?

Speaking for myself, no, I am most certainly NOT prepared to move on. In fact, I feel that there are some serious, unresolved issues about the French & Indian War that need to be addressed. For example, did you know that on July 3, 1753, George Washington and his men surrendered to the French? The freaking FRENCH, for crying out loud!!! How insulting is THAT?!?

The man is not fit to be President, much less help create a country.

0 thoughtful ramblings: