Monday, July 30, 2007

Can I Pet Your Cock?

One of the by-products of having a lot of immigrants in your community is the exposure to other cultures. This is not necessarily a good thing, especially if it involves your upper middle class pool party being interrupted by the neighbors' farm animals. Such is the case in Prince William county, Virginia, where many recently arrived Latinos insist on raising chickens because it reminds them of home.

Has it occurred to these people that this is precisely the type of thing that is causing many communities to crackdown on illegal immigrants? There's a lesson to be learned here: Don't piss off your neighbors or you may get your ass shipped back to Guatemala.

If you feel an insatiable desire to raise chickens because it reminds of you of home, well, then maybe you need to think about going back there. But if you're going to insist on coming to America--legally or not--then you need to be prepared to make certain sacrifices and adapt to the new culture. Letting your hens and roosters wander into the neighbor's begonias is NOT the way to do it.

I have a cock just like the next guy, but at least I keep it in my pants where it belongs.

0 thoughtful ramblings: