Sunday, September 30, 2007

Whose Turn Is It For The Alimony?

Just when he was poised to add some excitement to the 2008 presidential derby, former Congressman and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has announced he will NOT be a candidate.

This is unfortunate. With two ex-wives (in addition to current wife #3) Gingrich would have fit right into the current Republican field that is so obsessed with family values. To summarize: Rudy Giuliani is on his third wife (wife #1 was his second cousin); John McCain is on his second; and Fred Thompson is on his second.

Obviously, these Republican candidates are so full of family values that they just can't confine it all to one spouse. Well, at least we can rest assured these particular Republicans don't have time to hang out in airport men's rooms. They're too busy spreading their over-abundant supply of family values among the female half of the general population!

Ironically, it's the Mormon in the group--Mitt Romney--who's only had one wife. Kind of makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with him....

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