Thursday, October 07, 2004

The Reasons, They Are A-Changin'
It never ends.

Faced with a damning report from their own arms inspector that Saddam no longer had WMD's nor the means to manufacture them, Bush and Cheney have finally publicly conceded that their original reason for leading the nation into the Iraq war was wrong. But does that stop them from still trying to justify the invasion?

No, of course not. Now Bush is saying that the war was justified because Saddam was abusing the oil-for-food program.

If the situation weren't so serious, and dozens of innocent people weren't dying on a daily basis, and car bombs weren't going off in downtown Baghdad several times a week, and Iraq wasn't slipping into civil war, and the United States' credibility hadn't been left in shambles, and unrest weren't worsening throughout the middle east, and the price of oil hadn't topped $51 a barrel because of all the uncertainty, this constant evolution of reasons for going to war would be absolutely hilarious.


---------------Wiley, Non Sequitur

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