Sunday, June 06, 2004

---------------Michael Ramirez, LA Times

How Much Did he Pay For The Gas?
A man in Granby, Colorado, reached the breaking point in his zoning dispute with town officials and went on a rampage. But rather than grab a gun and start shooting willy-nilly the way most such people do, Marvin Heemeyer took a bulldozer and welded armor plating all around it. He then drove it through the center of town, knocking down or otherwise damaging nine buildings. A friend estimates that it probably took Heemeyer over half a year to design and construct his modified vehicle of destruction. It was even equipped with cameras and monitors so the driver could see where he was going.

Well, it's good that Heemeyer put a lot of thought and planning into this. So many people, when they snap and go on a homicidal rampage, do it on the spur of the moment without giving any serious consideration to the process.

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