Thursday, April 22, 2004

----------Mike Ramirez, LA Times


Terrorism of a Different Kind
Did you know this is TV Turnoff Week? What kind of sick, twisted, demented, evil mind came up with this unspeakable monstrosity? Probably some self-righteous college educated intellectual type!

If someone wants to not watch commercial TV because it sucks, that's fine. That's why we have cable, and why I sometimes sit in my recliner watching TVLand until the front of my shirt is soaked with my own drool. But to condemn the very concept of television as a whole is just plain wrong.

Apparently the idea behind this hideous concept is to spend more time with your family, get to know your kids, and other such drivel. Well, maybe some of us intentionally avoid such things. Hell, if you had to live with my relatives, you'd want to retreat into a fantasy world of talking horses and lovable castaways on a deserted island too! Either that, or start drinking heavily.

I grew up watching a LOT of TV, and I turned out perfectly fine.

Though I do have an annoying habit of dropping anvils on people's heads.....

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