Saturday, April 03, 2004

Bug Off

Late last year one of the local meteorologists (from the latin for "people who get paid ridiculous amounts of money for doing their job correctly less than 25% of the time") was commenting about DC's near record rainfall for 2003. He then pointed out some of the other wild weather we had had over the previous two years: Tornados, blizzards, icestorms, floods, extreme drought in 2002, and a hurricane. Then he jokingly remarked that the only thing we had NOT yet had were a plague of locusts and volcanic eruptions.

Now we learn that the locusts will, in fact, be here in another month or so. The 17 year cicadas last emerged from the ground in 1987 for their brief fling with flight, which means their alarm clocks will soon be going off. In fact, that's what that constant din that they're famous for is: Their alarm clocks. And they're so eager to get up and out, that they forget to switch the buzzers off. That's certainly understanble. Chances are you'd be the same way, too, if you haven't been laid in 17 years.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm stocking up on sandbags to ward off the lava flows.

0 thoughtful ramblings: