Sunday, April 04, 2004

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? Does Anybody Really Care?
Well, today is the first day of Daylight Savings Time. The "Changing of the Clocks" is a time honored semi-annual ritual designed to confuse the hell out of everyone. It also provides people with an added incentive to leave their VCR's blinking "12:00." Either that, or find the damn instruction manual to figure out to program the camn thing, except you no longer have the manual because you tore it up out of frustration when you couldn't decipher the instructions for programming the clock six months ago.

The best way to remember what direction to move your clocks is "Spring ahead, fall back." Because when you jump--or spring--you go forward. Likewise, if your carotid artery suddenly becomes clogged because of one too many Big Macs, you're more likely to fall back.

Then again, it could be "Spring back, fall ahead," because if you suddenly see a venomous cobra in the middle of your living room, your first instinct will be to spring back. Likewise, if you're walking, and you trip over an abandoned RPG launcher (assuming you're in Baghdad) you'll fall forward.

But most importantly, Daylight Savings Time provides farmers with an extra hour of daylight they mysteriously would not have had under standard time. This provides them with more time to work on tilling their fields and harvesting their crops, until the bank forecloses on the note and resells the land at firesale prices to a developer who'll then put up several hundred townhouses with backyards the size of a frikkin' postage stamp. After all, catering to the wishes of farmers is important in an agrarian based society such as ours.

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