Saturday, December 06, 2003

Perhaps it's just my love of conspiracy theories getting the better of me, but I have come to firmly believe that weather forecasters love to doctor their predictions during the winter. Maybe they're in cahoots with the grocery stores who get flooded with panicked shoppers whenever the word "snow" is mentioned, or maybe they do it to simply boost their own ratings. But whatever the reason may be, there's definitely something fishy going on.

Granted, Thursday night we got a few inches of snow that they had said we would. But all day yesterday, the weather mystics were warning us that we were going to get a second, much bigger storm that would dump an additional 5"-10" on us. We were being told as late as eight o'clock last night that this new superstorm would be upon us before midnight.

Guess what?

Didn't happen.

Oh, we got maybe a dusting of fresh powder, but certainly not anything even remotely approaching five inches. All I had to do was sneeze on my car this morning, and that cleared the snow off the windshield. Of course, then I had to go back inside and get a roll of paper towels to clean the all the snot off the glass, but that's a separate issue.

Yeah, yeah, I know that weather forecasting is not that easy. But these people are wrong more often than they're right. Hell, with their degree of accuracy, they may as well get jobs with the Bush Administration predicting the location of weapons of mass destruction.

0 thoughtful ramblings: