Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Times, They Are A-Changing

Today marks the end of Daylight Savings Time and the beginning of Standard Time. It used to be that we changed clocks at the end of October and the beginning of April, but that will no longer be the case as of next year.

Starting in 2007 Standard Time will end on the second Sunday of March and return on the first Sunday of November. In other words, as of next year we will remain on DST for roughly 7 1/2 months of the year, and ST for the remaining 4 1/2 months.... Which makes no damn sense if you think about it.

For something to be standard, shouldn't it be the predominant method? How can something standard if it's only in effect less than 40% of the time? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I realize this screwed up system sounds like something the Bush administration would come up with, but unfortunately they're off the hook for once.

So I propose we take what used to be Daylight Savings Time and instead start calling those 7 1/2 months Standard Time instead. After all, it's what we go by for the vast majority of the year.

And as for the old Standard Time, well, that can be Nighttime Savings Time from now on.

0 thoughtful ramblings: