Sunday, June 04, 2006


In the past I have written some posts opening mocking televangelist Pat Robertson. I would now like to publicly apologize for them. I was wrong to mock his position on evolution, or his call to drop a nuclear bomb on the State Department in DC, or his declaration that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez should be killed, or that Hurricane Katrina was God's retribution against New Orleans' loose morals. Mr. Robertson is a great man, and I have nothing but complete respect for his intellect, his TV show, and his ability to speak on behalf of the lord God almighty. This change of heart is completely sincere and has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Pat could snap my spine in two with his bare hands.

It seems that the 76 year old religious leader claims that he recently leg pressed 2,000 pounds. Now, just in case that number isn't already impressive enough, consider that one sports writer says that the leg press record for football players at Florida State University is 1335 pounds. And according to a strength-training coach at Old Dominion University, anything over 1000 represents a "Herculean effort."

If I didn't know better, I'd say these people are suggesting that Pat is, well, lying. That, of course, is an outrageous accusation. After all, Pat Robertson is a man of God.... One that has in the past openly called for the murder of thousands of innocent people, but hey, even the most devout religious leaders among us are only human....

Some of us have just held on to our monkey brains longer than others.

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