Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Pickled Pink

Montgomery County, Maryland is generally a reasonably progressive place. It's solidly Democratic and allows the teaching of evolution in its classrooms, so one would naturally expect its people to be reasonably well educated. Nonetheless, two groups (one of which is from Virginia, so that explains a lot) have filed a lawsuit to block the teaching of a sex education program that includes a video in which a woman puts a condom on a cucumber.

Personally I'd be interested in seeing what the woman does with the cucumber next, but that's not the point.

The course is voluntary and requires the signature of a parent. However, once again a small group is hellbent on imposing its standards on society as a whole. But for once I have to agree with the minority: We should NOT be teaching our kids how to use a condom, regardless of what fruits and vegetables may be involved. The world needs more out of wedlock teenage pregnancies and rampantly spreading sexually transmitted diseases.

There's nothing wrong with an occasional cold sore.

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