Monday, May 23, 2005

Animal Planet

No, those are not Venus and Serena Williams....

In what is only the latest case of Mother Nature striking back at man, a herd of buffalo recently escaped from a farm near Baltimore. After roaming through a rather exclusive neighborhood, the beasts were finally corralled in a tennis court. They were eventually returned to whence they came, and by now are sitting on someone's dinner plate.

And in yet another example of animals run amok, a mother duck has decided to nest in front of the Ritz Carlton in Georgetown. The Ritz is one of the top hotels in DC, and the wayward foul is being treated like the royalty that often stays there. She is being fed with corn on a silver platter, and drinking nothing but the finest bottled water.

Meanwhile, another mama mallard had set up house outside the Treasury departmentt, immediately next door to the White House. Presumably after passing an FBI background check, she was allowed to stay. Once her little ones hatched, they were transported in a four vehicle motorcade to Rock Creek Park and released.

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