Monday, May 03, 2004


Words can not properly express the disgust I feel towards the soldiers who abused those Iraqi prisoners. They should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for having bought such disgrace upon themselves, upon their uniforms, and upon themselves. And the excuse of not having been "properly trained" holds no water, for this is not a matter of not knowing "procedure." This is a question of common sense, and using the brains God gave each and every one of us.

I mean, if they wanted to abuse the inmates, that's fine. I have no problem with that in and of itself. Likewise, the Iraqis seemed to have no problem hanging burned American corpses from bridges after dragging them through the streets, so why should I care about the treatment of live prisoners?

But what gets me about this story is that the soldiers photographed themselves heaping abuse on their charges!!!!! What the hell were they thinking? Did these people learn nothing from the Paris Hilton fiasco? Just how did they arrive at the brilliant tactical decision of pulling out a camera? Never, EVER leave photograhic evidence that can come back to haunt you!!! Most of all, what does it say about the American educational system that people this stupid were allowed to graduate from high school?

"Hey, Sarge! I just had a brainstorm! Let's take pictures of ourselves abusing the prisoners!"

"Why, that's a GREAT idea, Private! I'm putting you in for a promotion!"

And what's the deal with the chick that shows up in some of the photos? What's her name, and how long until she ends up on Letterman? You know it's just a matter of time till we find out what her name is. Then it will become a race between Playboy and Penthouse for the honors to show her in all her glory.

Despite the bad first impression she's presented the entire world, I'm sure she's a very nice person. But does she have trouble getting dates? I can see how some guys might be just a bit intimidated by her personals ad:

SWF enjoys long moonlit walks on the beach, music, romantic movies, & climbing on piles of naked, sweat-soaked, screaming, handcuffed men.

Yeah, I'll be answering that one.

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