Friday, May 14, 2004

Don't Bug Me, Man

A lot of people are beginning to complain that despite all the talk about cicadas, no one seems to have actually seen one yet. True, there are plenty of the discarded shells they leave behind after molting, but where are the final products? Quite frankly, if these things don't start turning up as promised by the authorities, an armed insurgency may result.

---------------Drew Sheneman, Newark Star Ledger

Now I'm no entomologist, though I do play one on TV, but my guess is that so far only a small percentage of the total population has emerged. And these early ones, since there are so few of them, are much more likely to be picked off by birds or crazy Frenchmen. But in a few more days, after the remaining billions have ascended into the outside world, there will be far too many of them for their predators to handle.

Either that, or they're hiding alongside Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.

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