Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hanging Tough

Despite mounting pressure from Democratic party leaders, Hillary Clinton is vowing to stay in the race. On the one hand, her persistence is admirable. But viewed another way, her desire to fight in the face of all reason, and her inability to see that she has been reduced to a state of complete irrelevance, makes her look downright pathetic.

On the other hand, at least she has something in common with George Bush.

It is hard to see what she has to gain at this point. Her continued presence in the contest only serves to prolong the deepening rift in the Democratic party. While some competition and choice is good, there does come a point of diminishing returns. By forcing the contest to go on between herself and Obama, it further delays turning the party's attention to the true evil force in this presidential race: John McCain.

At some point the Democrats will have to try and unite behind Obama. Will they be able to do it? Will Clinton's supporters be willing to put the bitterness behind themselves? It may be hard to believe right now, but once they realize that alternative is essentially a third term of George Bush, they'll be tripping over one another to pledge their very souls to Obama.

People have on occasion asked me what I don't support Hillary Clinton. Do I have something against her?

No, not really. But I do believe that she's not as "electable" as Obama. Forty eight percent of Americans have a negative view of Hillary Clinton, and would not vote for her under any circumstance. Additionally, she would be a divisive leader. And after eight years of Bush, the last thing this nation needs is more divisiveness.

And do we really need Bill Clinton in the White House for another four years? Hell, when he was busy being President he STILL managed to get himself into all sorts of trouble. Now try to imagine him still surrounded with the same temptations but with all sorts of free time on his hands!

Unlike some people, I would have no problem voting for a woman for President. I'm open minded. But Hillary's just not the right woman for the job. Quite frankly, she's not good looking enough. Seriously, have you seen the size of her thighs? There's a reason she's always wearing pantsuits: It's to keep from frightening the American public.

If America is to elect a female President, it's important that she be a hot babe. That's why if Britney Spears ever announces her candidacy, I'll be the first one to replace his Obama bumper sticker.

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