Friday, May 30, 2008

Gravity: After All, It's Just An Unproven Theory

A large crane collapsed in New York city earlier this morning. This comes on the heels of a similar construction accident several months ago. And it was just about two years ago that scaffolding around a building collapsed, also in New York.

This is part of an alarming trend, and the early signs of a major crisis about to befall our planet. And no, it has nothing to do with lax enforcement of workplace safety rules. Rather, it's indicative of a dangerous increase in Earth's gravity.

Don't laugh; Gravity is not something any of us can actually see. Are we just supposed to blindly take the word of scientists that they understand how it works?

If you think about it, this would also account for the so-called obesity epidemic. Maybe the fact that we weigh more has nothing to do with all the super-sized double Whopper with Cheese value meals we scarf down. Rather, it's because of the still unexplained spike in gravity.

0 thoughtful ramblings: