Friday, July 18, 2008

Crime? What Crime? No Crime Here. Now Get Lost.

Remember the Valerie Plame case? She used to be a CIA agent. Her husband is Joe Wilson, the man was sent to Africa to investigate claims that Niger had been selling yellow cake uranium to Iraq. When Wilson couldn't find any such evidence, he began openly questioning the Bush administration's reasons for invading Iraq. Suddenly his wife's cover was "mysteriously" blown.

Since then there have been allegations that someone in the Bush administration deliberately outed her in retribution for her husband's opposition to the war.

The case is still very much alive, and a House of Representatives committee has been trying to get to the bottom of just what happened. If it turns out the revelation was deliberate done to get back at Wilson, then that would be a crime. If, on the other hand, it turns out to have been accidental, then it was just be another case of incompetence by the Bush administration.

The FBI investigated the matter, but it remains unclear what they found. This week the House committee looking into the matter tried to get its hands on the FBI's files, and guess what happened? President Bush invoked something called executive privilege, thereby blocking access to the files.

Now if the term exective privilege sounds familiar, it's because President Nixon repeatedly used it during Watergate as he frantically tried to block one investigation after another.

This of course raises an important question: If no one in the White House did anything wrong, then why not release the files and clear the air once and for all?

Bush's actions merely confirm that his administration is the biggest hive of scum and villiany since the days of Mos Eisley spaceport. Granted, that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but the comparison is still apt.

Which brings me to my prediction: After the elections in November, Bush will begin issuing a whole shitload of pardons to former and current members of his administration, including Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and Dick Cheney. And pardoning them will mean that no one will ever be able to get to the truth of this administration's various crimes.

0 thoughtful ramblings: