Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Christian Taliban Strikes Again

Where do you go when you need a condom? A drug store? Well, be careful which one you go to.

An increasing number of so-called pro-life pharmacies are opening across the country. And they don't stock such sinful products as condoms, birth control pills, and morning after pills. Some of them don't even stock tobacco products or rolling papers.

They are opening because over the last few years there have been a number of cases in which pharmacists have been fired for refusing to fill doctors' prescriptions for such products. Christian conservatives feel that such pharmacists are entitled to exercise their so-called "rights of conscience."

On the other hand, what gives these people the right to impose THEIR religious beliefs on everyone else? If you feel that damn strongly about your beliefs, then you shouldn't enter a profession in which you'll end up interfering with everyone else's freedoms.

Unless I'm mistaken, that's the kind of narrow minded repressive thinking that gave rise to the Taliban in Afghanistan: Regardless of YOUR personal beliefs or the standards of society as a whole, I'm going to shove MY religion down your throat whether you like or not. And if you have a problem with that, I'll stone your sinful ass to death.

There's simply no room for that sort of oppression in a free society.

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