Friday, July 28, 2006


Quite a few of you are probably wondering what you're doing here, and that's understandable. You were just sitting there at your desk at work, reading the comics page because the boss decided to take a three day weekend, when you suddenly got an inexplicable and overwhelming urge to see if there really was a site at

To be perfectly honest, until about 6 A.M. this morning there wasn't. But that's when I came across today's Speed Bump in the comics section of the paper (yes, I still read newspapers! I also have an 8-track player in the car and a telephone with an actual dial, but those are posts for another day).

I checked, found that the domain was actually available, and I snagged it. That in turn set in motion a complex chain of events involving ancient biblical conspiracies, global warming, sectarian violence in the middle east, Al Gore's invention of the internet, and extreme boredom on your part as well as mine. And that's how you eventually ended up at this site.

So now that you're here, feel free to look around a bit. And have a laugh or two while you can.... Because on Monday I'm emailing your boss to let them know what you were doing today.

0 thoughtful ramblings: