Wednesday, July 19, 2006

And The Sun Revolves Around The Earth

The United States Senate yesterday passed a stem cell bill lifting federal restrictions on research in the field. Since the same bill has already passed the House, it only needs the President's signature to become law. The White House says, however, that Bush will veto it. This is not surprising, since Dubya has long been opposed to science. His veto will also provide additional evidence that that the Republican party has become the political arm of the Christian right, and further demonstrates that America is slowly becoming a theocracy.

You know, it's a damn shame Bush wasn't running things 600 years ago. Maybe then he could have put a stop to the blasphemous work done by the likes of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. After all, it was the church that insisted the Earth was the center of the universe and was willing to excommunicate or put to death anyone that said otherwise.

Indeed, if only Bush had been around at other key moments in history, maybe we'd still blissfully believe that the earth is flat, that disease is caused by evil spirits, and that light bulbs are the devil's handiwork because the Bible says it's SUPPOSED to be dark at night.

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