Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What's Important

Democratic senators yesterday forced an extraordinary closed session of the chamber. The galleries were cleared of spectators, and even security personnel and staffers without security clearance were barred. Their goal was to demand that Senate Republicans agree to hold hearings to look into whether the nation was misled when we went to war with Iraq. The Democrats' bold move was apparently prompted by Lewis Libby's indictment last week. Libby, along with Cheney, was one of the principle architects of the invasion, and the charges seem to indicate that something is being covered up.

The Democrats need to leave Bush alone and let him return to his job of protecting the American people from danger.... Provided the danger isn't from a hurricane, in which case it's every man, woman and child for him or herself.

So what if the Bush Administration misled the country into the war, and intentionally lied about Hussein's ties to Al Qaeda? Is it really that big a deal if the weapons of mass destruction story was fabricated? Who cares if over 2000 American soldiers have died while thousands more have lost limbs or suffered lifelong injuries in an unnecessary war? Does it really matter that as many as 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians have died because we blundered into our way into this conflict? Is it necessarily a bad thing if our actions have brought Iraq to the brink of civil war while the entire mideast has become even more unstable? And is it really all that important that President Bush squandered all that international good will we had immediately after 9/11, and that since then more people in the world than ever have come to hate the United States?

I think not.

What IS important is that this President is NOT getting blowjobs from an intern.

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