Monday, October 17, 2005

When Leaks Go Bad

Not only is the clock is ticking for White House advisor Karl Rove, it is increasingly looking like he's running out of time. Rove spent much of the day Friday testifying before a grand jury in DC. This is still part of the investigation to determine who leaked the name of a CIA operative to the press. The agent happens to be the wife of Joseph Wilson, who in 2003 had the audacity to call into question the validity of some of the evidence being used to justify the then upcoming invasion of Iraq. The question at the core of this is whether the agent's name was released as retribution for Wilson's failure to agree with the Bush Administration.

At any rate, there appears to be some conflict between what Rove told the panel in an earlier session and what other witnesses had to say. Unless he can talk his way out of this, Rove may soon find himself playing the part of Ned Beatty in a federal prison production of "Deliverance."

One can only hope....

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