Monday, October 03, 2005

Republicans: Abortion Now Sometimes Okay

In what can only be described as a major turnaround for the party, Republicans are now endorsing--even urging--abortions! At least that appears to be the case if William Bennett is to be believed. And since Mr. Bennett served in both the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations, and is a respected leader of the conservative movement in America, he obviously speaks for the entire party.

The former Secretary of Education, who uses his radio show to pontificate about the decline of morals in America, last week took to the airwaves and said that one way to reduce crime would be to "abort black babies."

On the surface this would seem to be a major contradiction for Mr. Bennett, since he has in the past condemned abortion. Apparently, however, he is only opposed to aborting white babies. Aborting the black ones, though is okay and should even be encouraged.

It is unclear as to what Bennett thinks we should do about--GASP!!!--biracial babies.

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