Monday, October 31, 2005

Heaven Is A Blue State

Hurricane Beta has now dissipated, and for the time being no new tropical systems are on the horizon. But all this destructive weather over the last few months has some people asking: Why is God doing this to us?

Back in September ago some religious leaders suggested that God targeted New Orleans because the city was planning some sort of gay pride parade, and He wanted to stop it from happening. Well, if that's the case, then the good lord has really lousy aim because a whole lot of heterosexuals suffered collateral damage.

Others have suggested that Mississippi was hit because of all the floating casinos that have opened there recently along the coast. Again, what about the people who suffered inland? Why did they have to lose everything if He was only trying to wipe out the gamblers?

And what about Florida, which was hit last week by Wilma, also a highly destructive category 3 storm? Was God targeting homosexual retirees who were playing Bingo?

No, I don't think any of that explains all these hurricanes. However, I think there may be some truth to the theory of divine retribution. But gay behavior and gambling simply don't explain the wide geographic spread of the massive destruction. So what common thread ties Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida together, except that they all voted Republican last year?

That's it!! God's pissed that we reelected Bush as President!!

0 thoughtful ramblings: