Thursday, January 20, 2005

Second Verse, Same as the First

Congratulations to George W. Bush, who was sworn in for a second term today much to consternation of godless liberals (personally I'm a godless conservative, but that's a story for another day) who are going straight to hell when they die. It's hard to say what the next four years of his presidency will bring, but if you're the leader of Iran, it would be a good idea to be very nervous.

The people of the United States remain just as divided as before the election, however. So-called red staters (think "R" for Republicans) continue to fervently believe that Dubya is the best thing to happen to America since sliced bread. Blue staters, on the other hand, remain convinced that Bush actually has the IQ of a slice of bread.

Unfortunately America will continue to drift further to the right as the red states continue to increasingly dominate the blue ones. The people of the blue states have only themselves to blame for this sad fact.

The home-schooled evangelicals of the red states will continue to reproduce like rabbits. Meanwhile, the condemned souls of the blue states will continue to use condoms and get abortions, thus leading to their own eventual extinction.

In fact, you know that theory about the dinosaurs being wiped out by a meteorite? It's nonsense. What really killed them off was the invention of rubbers.

P.S. wasted no time in coming out with Second Term.

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