Monday, August 16, 2004

Sing It, Baby
The producers of the next American Idol show will be in town this Wednesday to conduct auditions. People with no lives have already begun lining up outside the DC Convention Center for a chance to be the next William Hung. What a bunch of idiots!! Don't these morons have anything better to do than humiliate themselves on national TV!?!

Anyway, if anyone needs me, I'm number 23 in line.


Mike Wallace: Respected Reporter or Unruly Thug?
Senior 60 Minutes correspondent Mike Wallace had an interesting run-in with the law last week. Before all was said and done, Wallace found himself handcuffed and taken to a police station.

The incident began when the veteran reporter came out of a restaurant and saw his limo driver being questioned by two inspectors. Evidently the vehicle was double parked, which is a no-no. Wallace intervened on behalf of his driver, and allegedly became "combative." The situation came to a head when the 86 year old Wallace supposedly "lunged" at one of the inspectors.

Now I don't know what happened. I wasn't there. But I honestly can't foresee any circumstance in which I would admit that an 86 year old man almost beat me up.

That's almost bad as being stripped naked while a 5'3" inch girl drags you around the floor at the end of a leash.

---------------Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

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