Sunday, June 01, 2003

O Canada!

Countries which continue to oppose George Bush and the policies of the United States would do well to remember the plagues Moses unleashed against the Egyptians. And it appears that the first nation to learn this lesson is Canada. Not only did Jean Chretien oppose the war in Iraq, but now--much to the consternation of the Bush Administration--his nation is hellbent on decriminalizing marijuana!

Curiously, our neighbors to the north have been dealing with SARS outbreaks in Toronto since March, roughly about the time the US launched the war against Iraq. Now the Candian government is dealing with the economic repercussions caused by a case of Mad Cow Disease found in Alberta.

Are these purely by chance, or are they biblical plagues unleashed by a higher being?
Farfetched as this theory of divine retribution may sound, it should be pointed out that Bush (Hmmm... Didn't Moses also have dealings with a bush?) is quite cozy with the religious right.

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