Monday, March 07, 2005

So Where's Venus?

For the third time in less than two weeks, Cardozo High School in Washington, DC is closed because of a mercury spill. The first incident occurred on Feb.23, and several sudents were arrested after a review of security tapes. In the meantime, the building was closed down for a thorough cleaning because mercury is considered a hazardous material which can lead to a number of health problems, including brain damage

No sooner did the school reopen after a cleanup by the Environmental Protection Agency that more mercury was discovered in a third floor hallway. School officials then began pointing fingers at the EPA, saying they had done sloppy work; the EPA claimed that the entire school had been cleaned and deemed safe, and that this was a brand new spill done since then.

So a second cleanup was done, and during a final inspection yesterday, what happens? More mercury is found on the floor of the basement! Consequently, the kids are off again today while yet another cleanup is conducted.

What a bunch of sissies!!!! When I was growing up they didn't school close for anything.... Well, except for snow, because that really was dangerous. But mercury? No way! Why, I remember walking to school through waist high piles of toxic waste and radiactive sludge uphill--both ways--and no one gave a rat's behind. And none of us ever suffered any kind of stupid rbain daamge!

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