Friday, April 06, 2007

Lies, Both Old And New

Does anybody out there still believe Dick Cheney when he talks about Saddam Hussein's ties to Al Qaeda? Well, evidently some people still do, because the Vice President was on Rush "I'm A Big Fat Drug-Addicted Idiot" Limbaugh's radio show just yesterday repeating those assertions.

Yesterday also happened to be the day that a newly declassified Pentagon report became public. It provides further evidence that the invasion of Iraq was based on flat-out lies. Both the CIA and an intelligence agency in the Defense Department had concluded as early as the summer of 2002 that there was no credible evidence that Saddam and Al Qaeda had meaningful ties. However, that didn't stop the Bush Administration from continuing to use that as an excuse to launch the invasion the following March.

And remember the other key justification for the war, the "evidence" that Bush cited during his 2003 State of the Union Address that Iraq had tried to buy "significant quantities" of uranium from Africa? Here's an account of how that bogus letter came to be a basis for war.

Meanwhile, here's a follow-up article on that visit by John McCain to the open air Market in Baghdad. Shortly after that visit--security for which was provided by hundreds of troops, armored equipment, and helicopter gunships hovering at rooftop level--McCain claimed that things in Iraq were obviously getting safer. A reporter went back to interview merchants and shoppers at that marketplace. Bottom line: McCain is an imbecile.

This is unfortunate. I actually used to have a fair amount of respect for the Senator and could see myself voting for him in 2008.

But that was then, and this is now.

Between his continued blind support for this blatantly misguided war, and his sellout to Jerry Falwell and the Christian right, it has become painfully obvious that the man is a fraud.

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