Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Over the course of the last several months, several people have asked me what I'm going to write about once Bush is gone. I really haven't had a good answer until now:


I'm done, spent, tired, and out of ideas. Bush's departure really doesn't have anything to do with it, but it nonetheless seems like a fitting time to hang up my keyboard. While writing this blog has been mostly fun over the years, I no longer feel like I have the motivation to write worthwhile posts.

Quite frankly, this site has never caught on with readers. Sure, there's a handful of loyal readers like Gordon, Danny, Mary, MK, Paradise Driver, and Arby, but that's really about it. Even worse, readership over the last few months has dropped off considerably. Lately there have been days when I didn't even break 30 hits a day. I was starting to feel like a print newspaper. And most of those visits come from search engines and people who never bother coming back.

But what really burns my behind is that 'Saddam's Cyber Palace' still ROUTINELY gets three or four times the traffic 'Mirth, Musings, & More' does. Seriously. The guy's been dead for over two years, for crying out loud!!!!! And people would still rather hear from him than me!?!?!?!

Clearly, when you start getting jealous of deceased bloodthirsty dictators, it's time to re-evaluate your priorities.

So.... Those of you who have been with me for these last five years, I thank you. Perhaps some day I'll get back to blogging, but for now I'm clicking my last "publish post" button.

0 thoughtful ramblings: