Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Does A Bear Poop In The Woods? Yes, If It Eats A Hunter

I have never particularly understood the appeal of hunting (unless you're hunting illegal aliens)(yes, as a matter of fact I DO enjoy pushing my luck).

So you go out with a gun and shoot some helpless animal. Big freakin' deal. Unless the poor creature is also armed and prepared to defend itself, where's the challenge? And DON'T even get me started on Dick Cheney, who goes to private hunt clubs to shoot farm raised birds with clipped wings. Now THAT'S a challenge!!

That's why I read with interest this story about a hunter in Finland.... Or Sweden.... Or Norway.... Or one of those other really cold countries. Anyway, the guy shot and wounded a brown bear. He began tracking the poor creature with the intention of finishing off the defenseless animal when suddenly the tables turned. The bear, apparently still unarmed, turned on his pursuer and attacked. The hunter did survive, but only because his buddies finished off the bear.

Again, where's the justice in this tale? It was one-on-one at first. A fair fight, but the moment the bear began winning, the odds changed to three-on-one! Was the bear given the opportunity to call in reinforcements? Another bear, perhaps, or a couple of moose? Maybe a pack of rabid wolves?

No, probably not. But it's a safe bet that the hunters are still feeling smug in their sense of superiority.

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