Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out, Rummy

For much of the last three years, critics of the Iraq war have singled out Donald Rumsfeld for criticism. They have accused him of not using enough troops, of ignoring his generals, of shutting the State Department out of the occupation, and of being an all around colossal arrogant prick. Yet through it all, President Bush has stood by his Secretary of Defense, saying he has every confidence in the job he's doing. Even as late as last week, the President reaffirmed his faith in Rumsfeld.

Well, that was BEFORE the fiasco that befell the Republicans in yesterday's voting. With the House going Democrat, the Senate on the verge of doing so, and the majority of governorships lost by Republicans, it suddenly dawned on Bush that maybe there are some Americans out there who have gotten tired of the constant bullshit being shoveled out of the White House. Consequently it became necessary to find a scapegoat to take responsibility for the electoral losses, and guess who turned out to be the fall guy: Donald Rumsfeld.

The President announced today that a fresh perspective is needed at the Pentagon, and that Rumsfeld will be stepping down.

Huh? All of a sudden NOW is the time for a "fresh perspective!?!?" That's like Captain Smith deciding to replace the guys up in the crow's nest AFTER the Titanic hit the iceberg.

Too bad Bush didn't see the need for this change two years ago. Maybe then our troops' body count wouldn't be pushing 3,000, America's international prestige wouldn't be in the toilet, and thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens wouldn't have died in the crossfire of a civil war.

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