Saturday, March 07, 2009

Speaking of Change We Can Believe in....

When someone told me that the clocks were changing tonight, I called mental health services and had the guy committed to the loony bin. Imagine my chagrin when I discovered the guy was right!

Which raises an important question: Why the second Sunday of March? How the hell are we supposed to remember that? I mean, why not do on either the last Sunday of a month or the last? But scheduling it for the second Sunday requires us to learn to count. And given the poor mathematical skills of American students nowadays, that's just asking too damn much.

Besides, why even bother with the time changes any more? We're only on standard time for 18 weeks of the year, and on daylight savings time for the other 34. More importantly, since we use it the vast majority of the year, shouldn't daylight savings time become the new standard time? And if our clocks are already potty trained, do we still need to change them?

The next thing you know, the people who came up with the idea of changing the clocks back and forth will be telling us that February is too short to be a month.

Anyway, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just irritable because I have to find all the user manuals for the various electronic devices I have. Otherwise, I'll never figure out how to reset the times.

0 thoughtful ramblings: