Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Lying Sack of Crap Alert

Remember Judd Gregg? He was the Republican senator from New Hampshire who was briefly President Obama's nominee for Commerce Secretary. Then Gregg abruptly withdrew his name from consideration, citing philosophical differences with Obama's economic stimulus plan. Gregg made quite a show of his withdrawal, causing more than a little embarrassment for the White House. His fellow Republicans praised him for his decision. Heck, even those who disagreed with Gregg had to grudgingly the man for sticking to his conservative principles.

Now it turns out those conservative principles may be nothing more than a load of horse hockey.

It seems that Gregg helped steer a lot of Federal money towards the redevelopment of a shuttered military. Sounds reasonable, until it turned out that both the senator and his brother had invested heavily in that same base.

So now it's starting to look like maybe Gregg withdrew his nomination not because of some noble belief in the free market system, but because he was worried his finances--and possible conflict of interest--would come under close scrutiny during his confirmation hearings.

Curious how Republicans are all for limited government until they directly benefit from it.

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