Sunday, November 05, 2006

Maybe We Can Offer Him Bananas As A Reward

In a major discovery, scientists have determined that elephants can recognize themselves in mirrors. Moreover, they can use mirrors to explore parts of themselves that they otherwise can't see.

Other animals are known to recognize images in mirrors, but they don't associate the reflection to themselves. For example, birds will look in a mirror and think they're seeing another bird, which is why they will often attack the reflection.

Scientists say this is a profound evidence of the evolution of intelligence. Elephants are the first animal to pass the mirror test, though others have shown various degrees of some self-awareness. For example, monkeys seem to do well on tests that measure gaps in their knowledge. As one scientist said of chimps, "they're good at knowing what they don't know."

Monkeys are capable of knowing what they don't know!?!? Is it too late to teach President Bush that trick?

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