Thursday, December 16, 2004

Arson Arrest

Last week someone set fire to over two dozen homes under construction in Charles County, Maryland. Over ten million dollars worth of damage was done, and the case has been described as the largest arson case ever in that state's history. Early speculation was that eco terrorists were responsible since the development was in an environmentally sensitive area.

However, in what can only be described as a surprise development, authorities have arrested a security guard who worked at the site. It is not yet clear what his motive was.

More importantly, what the hell was he thinking? If someone supposedly sneaked in and set fire to all those homes on his shift, he would end up looking bad. On the other hand, the mere fact that he may turn out to be the person responsible also makes him look bad.... To put it mildly. So it's an obvious lose-lose situation!

Meanwhile, DC area baseball fans continue to seek DC Council Chairwoman Linda Cropp for singlehandedly torching DC's prospects for a baseball team.


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