Sunday, October 31, 2004

The Election Is Over
Once again, the Washington Redskins have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory as they lose to the Green Bay Packers 28-14. It is absolutely amazing how the team with the best defense in the NFL can also have one of the worst offenses. That ain't easy, but the 'Skins make it work week after week.

Though I'm a Redskins fan, I'm glad they lost today. It means that this coming Tuesday, George W. Bush will NOT be reelected.

What the hell are you babbling about this time, Lugosi? Have you lost your mind? Are you off your medication again? Didn't the court say that if you stopped taking those pills you were going back to The Institute?

Yes, they did. But don't worry; I'm still on my meds. But the simple, indisputable fact is that ever since 1936, the Redskins have decided the outcome of presidential elections. When the team loses its last home game before election day, the incumbent party loses the White House. On the other hand, if they win the last home game prior to the election, the incumbent party wins as well.

Yes, it sounds crazy. But this rule has held true for the last 17 presidential elections, back to even when the Redskins played in--GASP!!!--BOSTON!!!! Even in 2000, though Bush lost the popular vote, the Redskins had beaten the Tennessee Titans 27-10 on Oct. 30 and thus foretold Al Gore's eventual loss of the various court challenges.

Add to this the fact the Red Sox broke the Curse of the Bambino and won the World Series under a lunar eclipse, and I would say that the cosmic forces of the universe are perfectly aligned for a stunning, come-from-behind victory by Ralph Nader on Nov. 2.


---------------Nick Anderson, Louisville Courier-Journal

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