Thursday, May 22, 2003

Nice Dress, Mister

One of the big sports stories this week has been Annika Sorenstam's decision to play in the Colonial golf tournament in Texas. This is the first time since 1945 that a woman has entered a men's PGA event. Needless to say, there has been a bit of an uproar over this. Golfers Nick Price and Vijay Singh have been especially vocal in their criticism, with Singh going as far as to withdraw from the contest. This opposition is certainly understandable and, I might add, quite justified.

Sorenstam's decision is a complete outrage and a total insult to the world of sports! How dare she do this?!?! It is nothing but a self-serving attempt on her part to garner some extra publicity.

Besides, no guy wants to risk losing to a GIRL!!!!

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