Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Bend Over, Washington

A number of people have suggested that the $40 million cost of the Bush inauguration--money raised from corporate and individual contributions--should be donated instead to the various tsunami relief agencies. As it turns out, that $40 million only covers the various cermonial aspects of the inauguration. Security is an entirely different issue, and the White House has told city officials in Washington, DC that they are responsible for covering over $17 million of the cost of providing protection for the President, assorted dignataries, and thousands of visitors.

Most of this $17 million, according to the White House, should come out of homeland defense grants given to the city. That money was never intended to cover routine Federal functions, but rather to cover the hiring of more first responders, the purchase of equipment for them, and the protection of the ordinary citizens of the city. Of course, that was before anyone realized how much Bush's second coronation was going to cost.

Then again, to hell with the people of DC. That's what they get for voting overwhelmingly for John Kerry!

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